Cornish Hens With Rice Stuffing
Delicate and Tender Layer Cake - Smetannik (Торт "Сметанник")
Parmesan Herb Croutons
Homemade Ranch Dressing
Spanish Tortilla
Roasted Red Peppers
Russian Mushroom Barley Soup (Грибной Суп с Перловкой)
Golubtsi - Cabbage Rolls (Голубцы)
Pirozhnoe "Kartoshka" - Chocolate Sponge Cake Pastries
Beef and Vegetable Stir Fry
Tomato Meatball Soup
Chicken Salad In Tart Shells
Mini Chocolate Cupcakes With Chocolate Hazelnut Frosting
Baked Sole Fillets with Herbs and Bread Crumbs
Pineapple Salsa
Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies
Creamy Tomato Soup
Garlic Bread
Peppers With Potato Stuffing (Фаршированный Перец с Картошкой)
Grilled Chicken Kabobs
Italian Rum and Peaches Cake
Making the Perfect Sponge Cake - Бисквит
Fruit Puff Pastry Napoleons With Citrus Glaze
Pork Ruletiki With Mushroom Sauce - Свиные Рулетики с Грибным Соусом
Potato Pampushki With Cheese Filling - Картофельные Пампушки с Творожной Начинкой
Cold Beet Soup Holodnik - Холодник (Свекольник)
Yeast Pancakes - Oladi
Blini With Smoked Salmon
Ham and Cheese Baked Eggs
Chicken Quesadillas
Tomato Salsa
Cherry Crepe Cake - "Дрова Под Снегом"
Crispy Buffalo Chicken Wings
Blueberry Coffee Cake Muffins
Rustic Chicken with Carrots and Onions
Raspberry "Piece of Cake" Cake
Beef Goulash - Гуляш из Говядины
Chocolate Honey Layer Cake - Торт "Спартак"
Turkey Pinwheels
Chicken Cordon Bleu